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LEAP Assignment #2

Updated: Mar 16, 2018

1. Who is the author and what is the author’s purpose?

The picture was posted on twitter

2. Who is the target audience?

American people who are worried about the over seas terrorists but at the same time of overlooking the domestic terrorist we have in America. The target group is really for people who are not affect by the ideologies and actions of the KKK.

3. What techniques are used to attract and hold attention?

The KKK has visual power all on its own. For example as a person of color simply seeing a Klan flag or Klansmen would evoke emotion out of me and I can say that for all the people of color. The visual representation of the Klansmen walking in a line was the technique used to hold attention. Especially in today society the people in power look over the KKK. They in a sense sweep it under the rug. For example, if I were to bring up the KKK in class most people would relate it with past history. Unaware that the kkk is still active in 2018.

4. How does this propaganda activate strong emotions, simplify ideas, respond to audience needs, and attack opponents?

This propaganda activates strong emotion by tying in the fear of over seas terrorist such as ISIS and comparing them to the domestic terrorist organization the KKK. As I stated earlier the power of seeing the KKK is enough for most people to feel uncomfortable. For example, I showed this picture to a couple of my friends and they told me how this picture made them feels uncomfortable. This picture attacks the opponents first as labeling the KKK as a terrorist organization. Secondly the picture and the text is meant to attack anyone who doesn’t see the danger in the KKK. The beneficial propaganda was meant to show the world how the American government will spend millions of dollars to protect its people from over seas but will ignore the equally dangerous KKK he on American soil.

5. What lifestyles, values and points of view are presented?

The lifestyles that are presented go along with people who have the power to defend our civilians from over seas threats but cant recognize danger on the home front. The values that are called upon are simple. The picture was meant to show how people worry about ISIS people who want to kill Americans but don’t care about the KKK who terrorize and kill people of color and different religions that don’t go along with theirs. The point of view is showing how people are blind to things that don’t really affect them but fear terrorist. The fear of over seas terrorist stems from propaganda

6. What attitudes or actions is this propaganda aiming to affect?

7. How might different people interpret this message differently?

This picture goes back through out history. Obviously people of color will have a much greater reaction to the picture. Based on the history of American culture this picture will spark different emotions from different cultures.

8. What is the political, economic or cultural context in which this message circulates

The picture circulates around the government protecting the people of America from outside threats but avoiding the KKK on the home front. America loves to use the word terrorist on anyone from the outside but cant label their own terrorist that live amongst the civilian they are trying to protect.

9. What is omitted from this propaganda that, if known, might affect people’s interpretation of the message?

This question is difficult to answer. I would say anyone who is not familiar with the tragedies the KKK has committed over the dark history of America.

10.What might be some unintended consequences of this propaganda?

I don’t see their being any unintended consequences the statement is truthful and doesn’t cause anyone any harm.

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